The Palio of Finale’s Compagne takes place the second weekend of July in Finalborgo: it is divided into two days with the participation of almost four hundred actors.
The Municipal Stadium Felice Borel of Finale Ligure transforms itself into a camp of about 40 tents in front of fictitious walls, depicting those of Borgo, where all the shows sit.
After the historic contest among the streets of the village, on the field of the Palio, the fascinating Palio of the Compagne takes place, a competition of the Archers of the Diamond Tower, champions of each neighbourhood. The well-established antique archery carousel will lead to the Palio award to the winner Compagna that will keep it until the next edition.
The show will continue with the show featuring the glorious adventures of Giovanni del Carretto, enlightened Marquis of Finale, brave leader and skilled diplomat.