Taggiasca Olive

The cultivation of the taggiasca olive is typical of Western Liguria, in particular of Imperia area. Initially, it was cultivated in Taggia by the monks of San Colombano, which came from the monastery-island of Lerino. In the following centuries, Taggiasca olive grafts were introduced throughout Italy, although the major crops have always remained along Western Ligurian Riviera.
The climatic peculiarities of this geographical area have made the Taggiasca olive a unique and inimitable product.
The olive tree of Taggiasca variety is a vigorous tree, which grows twisted and inclined; although it is very susceptible to climatic adversities, this particular olive tree provides a high and constant productivity.
Taggiasca olives tend to be small, of a black-violet color, characterized by an elongated shape.


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